Is it feasible to carry out the relevant screening diagnostic, and timely intervention procedures in a population based fashion with existing resources or with resources that could be obtained during the planning period, given sufficient political will.
To answer this question, it is necessary to estimate the total resources and costs involved in screening ,diagnosis, and effective intervention. The estimate will be based in part on the direct and indirect costs of each screening procedure ,multiplied by the estimated number of persons to be screened . this includes the initial investment required to put in place the capacity to perform screening ,as well as the recurrent costs of performing each screening procedure . indirect costs are difficult to calculate ,but should include at least the costs of the required planning, public education, and staff training . Costs also include the costs of definitive diagnosis, based on the estimated number of people who will have abnormal results on screening , and the direct and indirect costs of performing the relevant confirmatory tests, as well as expenses for transport, record keeping, and communication. The estimate of the costs of treatment should be based on the number of persons who ...