Carotid bruits

Why , to identify people at risk of cerebrovascular accidents, for medical (anticoagulant)or surgical (carotid endarterectomy)intervention.
How , auscultation (stethoscope)or Doppler ultrasound. Definitive diagnosis requires arteriography.
Resource levels required. Medium, high , or very high for detection. very high for intervention with carotid endarterectomy.

Recommendation on use of screening. Screening of asymptomatin adults is not recommended . accurate detection involves invasive tests that are expensive and have serious associated risks. intervention is extremely expensive and of uncertain long-term benefit. A recent large clinical trial in the USA found no evidence that vascular surgery prevents stroke in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis demonstrated on screening(pierce,1992).emphasis should be on primary prevention through reduction of risk factors for cerebrovascular disease (smoking prevention or cessation, diet, exercise)in the community.

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