
Why . glaucoma is an important cause of irreversible blindness; effective treatment exists for high levels of intraocular pressure, but this condition is rare in the general population under the age of 65. No clear evidence exists that early intervention for moderately increased levels of intraocular pressure in asymptomatic persons leads to improved outcome (W@HO,1984;USPSTF,1989).
How and resource levels required .screening and definitive diagnosis by means of tonometry , ophthalmoscopy, and perimetry  (all requiring medium or high resource levels); screening by non –specialists is of uncertain efficacy. Intervention medium (medication to reduce intraocular pressure)or high (surgery).

Recommendation on use of screening . screening of the general population is not recommended as a priority. Persons at special risk should be under special surveillance (eddy et al ., 1989 ; gottlieb et  al., 1983;USPSTF, 1989). The elderly should be screened for visual problems; those with problems should receive diagnostic testing. 

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