Will the adoption and implementation of the screening , diagnostic, and timely intervention procedures strengthen the development of the health system and overall social development, in a manner consistent with primary health care principles.

Essential questions to ask in considering this criterion are : will the screening and – timely –intervention operation tend to increase equity in the allocation of health resources ? is it likely to result in improved health status for those in greatest need? which population groups are most likely to benefit from screening activities for asymptomatic individuals?
Especially where large population groups, rural populations, or poor populations on the urban periphery, do not have access to basic health and education services , a decision to conduct screening for an asymptomatic condition is likely to increase disparities between the covered and uncovered populations in terms of the utilization of health services. Screening for asymptomatic conditions in likely to attract the more highly educated, who are also those with greater access to places where screening is performed . further more , screening will result in abnormal findings for some individuals; this will entail additional resources for definitive diagnosis and ultimately for treatment . the screening operation will thus have created a demand among those screened for the provision of additional services . this demand may result in the further allocation of resources that will benefit only a limited number of people who already enjoy better health status and health services than the large underserved groups . thus unless services are consciously targeted at those at highest risk, the benefits will generally be enjoyed be those segments of the population that already make most use ot health care services. The targeting of screening efforts is discussed further in chapter3.

Will the local health system infrastructure tend to be strengthened  by the introduction of the activities under consideration? will there be side benefits such as better coordination between different units or levels within the health system, or between health services and services I other sectors? Will the measures contemplated help to improve the status of women, or will they promote community involvement or contribute in some other way to overall social development? Will they strengthen public awareness of health promotion and prevention?

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